October 02, 2012

Week 39- Combine

I finally got the photo I have been waiting for!  The farmer really made me sweat it out though.  I HAD to leave for a class no later than 5 (wanted to leave by 4:30) but the farmer took a break in his harvesting at 2pm and didn't get to our fence line till 4:45!  I was so worried that after waiting 2 weeks I would have to leave and miss this. 
He got this close in the harvesting before he took his break!
At first I wasn't worried, but as the hours dragged on and it got closer and closer to the time I would have to leave, my stress was going up and up!
Anyone that has been near a combine knows they are big and very loud.  Our fence is 6' high, so that gives you an idea of just how big it is!  Yet every year, Dazzle defends us from this monster.  Yes, this is the same dog that is afraid of bubbles.
If you want to see him in action, I took this video in 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_EFAgM6pkY  With 2 successful years under his belt, he now stays at the fence the whole time to bark and chase (2012 being his 3rd year).  And the farmer no longer swerves away like he did in the video, causing him to have to come back for what he missed.  Now the farmer just smiles and waves :-)

While I was waiting, I was taking other photos to try to get the settings correct on my camera.  I got a few I like that I would have had to go with if the farmer hadn't finished on time.

Dazzle loves to trot around the yard.  No particular reason or place to go, just trot, trot, trot, trot (always with a toy in his mouth).

And I managed to get an even clearer ball catch photo in the overcast light.
The following are a few other photos I took while waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
Looking down the row of corn

At first I thought this might be the moon, but it was the sun!  I don't recall seeing such clear edges visible on the sun to the naked eye.  Must have been a lot of haze in that break in the clouds. The actual view was even sharper and it was not the least bit hard to look at.  Weird!
Dazzle has been having a really hard time with allergies.  I think it's just ragweed, but he is itchy all over!  Had to take him to the vet because his tail was not healing.  So now he's on a low dose of predesone.  It does seem to be helping, but I still need to give him Benedryl twice a day.  I really hope his itching ends with the first killing frost!